Connie is moving to 7W. He is only moving there b/c they have more critical kids that need his bedspace. Maybe a post op kid or something. He is still going to have the same nurse and will not be considered "floor status." He will still be Cardiac Intensive Care Status and on the monitors and all. Bummer is he will be in a shared room :(
His echo is finished. He did great. Watched Max and Ruby and ate starbursts! I asked if it was a full blown one or just a quicky to check function and he said they wanted the whole one done on him since he's never had one here. There were three docs in here for it and they said he does have a unique anatomy! That's an understatement. It takes those looking at him for the first time a little while to figure out what is what in there.
I'll post again after we're all moved. They may wait until after his nap, if he ever does nap!
Hey! I just left you a message. Ask them if there is any way that once you move you could be on the side by the window. The rooms are config'd in such a way that the side by the window is a little bigger, and also, of course, further from the commotion and the door. Also, if I remember correctly, the side by the window has a parent sleeping space - like a little day bed - and the side by the door only has a recliner...If you can't get a space like that initially, you could plead your case that your kid has gotten no sleep, and maybe they'll let you move. Call me if you need me.
Thinking of you!! Love you! Let me know if you need anything!
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