"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." --Jeremiah 29:11
Monday, April 15, 2013
Frances Erin Beckemeier is here!
This post is about a week late, but we've had a busy week, as is to be expected when you have a big family! Not only did we have Karsten's birthday, we also had Frances' arrival and then this weekend was Mary Kathleen's first communion.
Frances arrived at 5:19 pm on Sunday, April 7th. She weighed 9 lbs 2 oz and was 20.5 inches long. She came out crying and immediately sucking her fingers. She has been a very good baby. I just can't get over how petite and dainty she looks. All the 3-6 mos clothes we bought thinking she'd be almost 11 lbs aren't going to fit her for awhile!
We got the call to head into the hospital at about 7am. Labor was started with Cytotec at 9:30 am and contractions began about an hour later. I got to spend some time in the new L & D bathtub and shower. It was amazing how I felt NO contractions while I was in the tub. I got out because I actually thought they had stopped. Then I realized they had not :( Later in the afternoon I was offered an epidural and accepted. However, the epi did nothing other than make my toes a little tingly. I still felt everything. Finally around 4:30 the anesthesia supervisor came in and had to take out the first one and start a second epi. Just about the time it started to kick in, it was time to push. She even made the comment that it wasn't the first epi she'd had to redo that day. The nurse called the doctor and she arrived a short time later. Frances practically slipped out as I was moving down on the bed to get ready to push. On the next contraction she was delivered! One nurse said something about what a good looking boy we had and I got a little freaked out! Then she and the doctor confirmed she was indeed a girl. Phew! Frances was placed on my tummy and had apgar's of 8 and 9.
The kids came up for a visit before heading home to get ready for bed. I couldn't get over how excited Conway was to have a new baby sister and to hold her. Grandma and Grandpa George and Grandma Marybelle were the first visitors to see her.
The next day she had her hospital photo shoot and her echocardiogram. Conway's cardiologist read her echo and confirmed that her heart is normal. The pediatrician had heard a murmur on the first day of life, but not on the second day, so that was another reassurance for us.
Frances wore the same yellow dress home from the hospital that I wore home in 1978. It was a gift from my Grandma O'Leary's friend, Fran Overman. Fran also happened to be a graduate of the school where Connie and Mookie attend and where I work!
We've been home six days now and things are going well. She is a very good girl and the noisy house she inhabits doesn't seem to bother her a bit!
Thank you for your prayers! I'll post about MK's First Communion soon.
You are the only mama that says a 9 lb 2 oz baby is small. I suppose it is all relative right. :) I am so happy for you and your family. Congratulations. I pray for you a speedy recovery and much rest in the future. :)
Wonderful news, Erin! Welcome to Frances Erin, and mnay blessings on her and on all of you. I think you are a wonderwoman, Erin. Your baby girl is just precious, and all the children are so darling in the pictures with her.Msy every blessing be hers...so great to hear how healthy she is. Much love to you and prayers always. Sr J
You are the only mama that says a 9 lb 2 oz baby is small. I suppose it is all relative right. :) I am so happy for you and your family. Congratulations. I pray for you a speedy recovery and much rest in the future. :)
Wonderful news, Erin! Welcome to Frances Erin, and mnay blessings on her and on all of you. I think you are a wonderwoman, Erin. Your baby girl is just precious, and all the children are so darling in the pictures with her.Msy every blessing be hers...so great to hear how healthy she is. Much love to you and prayers always. Sr J
What!?!? Where's the photo of Frances and dad?
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