This post is two-fold.
First, we want to wish you a Happy Easter! Our family is so blessed to celebrate our Risen Lord. We went to church this morning remembering the Easter Mass we attended in 2008 and the miracle that took place that morning. Just this morning we had a parishoner who we don't talk to often ask about him and she was overjoyed to see him in person and hear the story of his miraculous recovery. He is still in the daily prayers of so many at Assumption and for that we are grateful. While we were waiting for Mass to begin, Connie was showing off for everyone by folding his hands to pray and say, "mmmmeh" (Amen). Everyone thought he was so cute. When someone asked how old he was and we replied that he was two and doing normal two year old mischievous things we were reminded what a blessing it is that he is doing mischievous things and not still laying in a hospital bed. How true.
For the big news. . .
Connie is officially a big boy! He's been sleeping for naps and all night in his big boy bed. It is a stagecoach bunk bed but we don't have a top bunk on it. We're in the process of converting his room to a western themed cowboy room. We still have to paint three of the walls and get some more "props" for the walls and plant shelf. He's so cute in his bed. He loves it! The first night he got out of bed four times before he fell asleep and he'd just start playing with his lightswitch or open and close his door. Greg would tell him to go back to bed and he'd say, "uh oh" and head back in. Most of the time he just goes straight to sleep, but a couple of times he's gotten out of bed. Once he falls asleep he stays in there all night! We've closed the gate at the top of the steps at night and put a monitor by the stairs so we can hear if he gets up or if Mookie needs something. We are so proud of him! Saturday morning we slept in a little and when we came up he was standing in his doorway waiting for permission to come out. Then this morning he woke up and went to tell Cece he was wet and needed to be changed. He doesn't talk so she didn't know this and she told him to go back to sleep. Pretty soon his music started playing again and he was in there laying quietly when I walked in to get him. He's such a good boy! Here's a pic of him sleeping soundly Friday morning when Greg went to get him up for breakfast.
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