First, I will update you on Connie and then tell you where we are pertaining to Mook. Connie went to sleep easily once he got his Monkers and got cleaned up from his bath. We didn't hear a peep from him all night. I was crossing my fingers but this morning when he woke up, it was apparent that he had thrown up in the night as his bed and head and neck and pajamas were full of dried vomit. Poor kid either was too tired to realize what happened or something, because he didn't even cry for us. He got another bath this morning and we had to wash Monkers and sheets, etc. Grandma and Grandpa came over to take care of him so Greg and I could get out the door with Mook. He had some grape gatorade. Last I heard, around 9:40, he had kept down some grape gatorade, toast and applesauce. Grandma and Grandpa were going to wait until that stayed down at least 40 minutes before trying his morning meds. I haven't talked to them again since, so hopefully things are still fine. He was getting speech therapy when I called.
Now for Miss MookieRoo. We woke her up at 6:30 so she could have some gatorade and apple juice before 7am (no food after midnight and no clear liquids after 7am). She enjoyed drinking her gatorade out of her bunny cup. Then we got out the door and got here about 20 minutes early. This hospital sure does it right, you know that? They are super organized and very friendly. We got right up to same day surgery on the sixth floor and Dr. Kane was waiting for us. He cut her long black streak of hair and gave us a baggie to save it. He went over the procedure again and really, the only fear and biggest risk is that the incision site will pull apart and widen and she'll have a scar where no hair will grow. The worst thing would be if she wanted a short haircut later in life. They will send the tissue for biopsy and he said it would be highly unlikely that it would be of any concern. She has been so good. They listened to her and again we told them about her sniffles and symptoms and they said if they rescheduled every kid with sniffles they'd never do a surgery! They checked her thoroughly and listened close to her breathing and cleared her for surgery. They were running ahead of schedule so they took her about 15 minutes or so early. They usually give a little Versed or something to take the edge off but they said she was acting so calm they would skip it with her. She let them write "yes" on the back of her head with a sharpie marker. They told us her face might be a little puffy because she'll have to be on her belly for the surgery. We played Concentration and put a Max and Ruby movie on the laptop but she wasn't too interested in watching. Pink Santa Bunny got his own ID bracelet and went with her into surgery. She looked so cute in her hospital gown and pants. The anesthesiologist let her pick out a mask for her giggle gas and they put a flavored spray on it. She chose cherry flavor for her mask. Dr. Kane expects the actual procedure to take 30 minutes or less but they have prep and recovery and such so they said they'd be finishing up around 11:00-11:15. I'll keep you posted when we hear something more. Thank you for the emails and prayers. They mean so much. Compared to what Connie's had done, this is a piece of cake, but I was worried about her and being afraid since she's older. That hasn't been the case at all and I know it is because of all the prayers.
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